GrETEL is a query engine in which linguists can use a natural language example as a starting point for searching a treebank with limited knowledge about tree representations and formal query languages. By allowing users to search for constructions which are similar to the example they provide, we hope to bridge the gap between traditional and computational linguistics.

LASSY Word Relations Search

The LASSY word relations web application makes it possible to search for sentences that contain pairs of words between which there is a grammatical relation. One can search in the Dutch LASSY-SMALL Treebank (1 million tokens), in which the syntactic parse of each sentence has been manually verified, and in (a part of) the LASSY-LARGE Treebank (700 million tokens ),in which the syntactic parse of each sentence has been added by the automatic parser Alpino.


TTNWW integrates and makes available existing Language Technology (LT) software components for the Dutch language that have been developed in the STEVIN and CGN projects. The LT components are made available as web-services in a simplified workflow system that enables researchers without much technical background to use standard LT workflow recipes. The web services are available in two separate domains: "Text" and "Speech" processing. The TTNWW services have been created in a Dutch and Flemish collaboration project building on the results of past Dutch and Flemish projects. The web services are partly deployed in the SURF-SARA BiG-Grid cloud or at CLARIN centres in the Netherlands and at CLARIN VL University partners.


The Digital Curation Service (DCS) was a CLARIN task force responsible for the curation of several language resources that were not available on-line and/or endangered without a proper documentation context (adding CMDI metadata etc.). The DCS has curated these data and made them available by depositing them at different CLARIN centra for inclusion in the CLARIN domain.


ARBIL is a data management tool with as its main function a flexible (IMDI/CMDI) metadata editor. It allows to choose an existing CMDI metadata schema/profile from the CMDI registry and create instantiations of that schema. The editor allows the use of tables and copy and paste to exchange information between the tables. ARBIL is ideally suited for situations where multiple different metadata schema are used. ARBIL needs to be installed on the local computer.


ISOcat is data category registry according to the ISO12620 model. It was chosen by CLARIN to serve as a semantic registry to overcome semantic interoperability issues with CMDI metadata and different annotation tag sets used for linguistic annotation.
