
The Dutch Language ISO 369-3:nld


FESLI: Functional elements in Specific Language Impairment


Tool for the quantitative and qualitative comparison of the acquisition of functional elements (morphological inflection, articles, pronouns etcetera) in a corpus with data from monolingual and bilingual children (Dutch - Turkish) with and without Specific Language Impairment (SLI).


Online dictionary (ancient) Greek - Dutch for the letter Pi. Search functions include searches for Greek lemmata; search of Greek declined or conjugated word-forms that lead to the correct lemma (‘lemmatizer’); searches for Dutch words leading to different Greek lemmata; etymological searches. The dictionary is linked to Logeion, the international website of Greek dictionaries at the University of Chicago. The developers estimate that a complete version of the dictionary will be finished by the end of 2016 and that it will be published by the end of 2017.


A corpus of pilgrimage narratives with Dutch texts written after ca. 2000 that present the thoughts and impressions of pilgrims to Santiago de Compostela. The PILNAR corpus is a source for research for a variety of (sub)disciplines: culture studies, ritual and religious studies, but also media and e-culture studies (cf the use of blogs and other social media for the self-presentation of experiences). Only for authorized users.


Cornetto is a lexical resource for the Dutch language which combines two resources with different semantic organisations: the Dutch Wordnet with its synset organisation and the Dutch Reference Lexicon which includes definitions, usage constraints, selectional restrictions, syntactic behaviours, illustrative contexts, etc. The Cornetto database contains over 92K lemmas and almost 120K word meanings.


PoliMedia links the minutes of the debates in the Dutch Parliament (Dutch Hansard) to the databases of historical newspapers and ANP radio bulletins to allow cross-media analysis of coverage in a uniform search interface.


The enriched publication of the important Dutch historiographical work Het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden in de Tweede Wereldoorlog (The Kingdom of the Netherlands in WWII) by Dr. Loe de Jong.


MIGMAP is a web application that can show migration flow between Dutch municipalities. The user first chooses generation (forward or backward in time) and gender, while subsequently the migration map of The Netherlands related to an interactively pointed municipality (or other aggregation unit) is shown.


In COAVA two sets of databases are made available in a standardized way: one with historical dialect data (the databases WBD and WLD with lexical data of the Brabantish and Limburgian dialect between 1880-1980) and one with first language acquisition data (four databases form the CHILDES project). The databases contain linguistic information (dialect form, standardised form (“Dutchified”), lexical meaning), geographical information (locality, dialect area, province) and information on the source (inquiry forms or monotopic dictionaries and the date of documentation). The visualisation of the first two sets of information will lead to lexical maps. The most typical way for the user to get to the data will be with the use of the browsable concept taxonomy. The databases are, in other words, approachable via search tools but also via a thematic taxonomy. This taxonomy was developed for the dialect databases and covers the general vocabulary.


INPOLDER (Integrated Parser and Lemmatizer of Dutch in Retrospect) provides a tool that assigns morphological tagging, lemmatization, and syntactic parsing for historical Dutch texts. It is built on the Adelheid tool (tagging and lemmatization) and Collins-Bikel statistical Parser.
