Huygens ING

Centre type

Huygens ING: Huygens Institute for Netherlands History

Huygens ING aims to make the expertise of humanities researchers collaborate closely with specialists in e-Humanities.It consciously sustains traditional humaniora expertise and accommodate historians and textual scholars for all periods, including specialists in disciplines such as Medieval Latin and Neo-Latin, palaeography, codicology, Middle Dutch, Early-modern Dutch and the Science of Text Edition. It is the largest humanities research institute in the Netherlands and part of the KNAW and arose from the combination of the Huygens Institute and the Institute for the History of the Netherlands (ING).
The Huygens ING wishes develop new methods for extracting more and different information from the sources than was possible previously, thus posing new research questions, provide better answers to old ones, and to underpin the answers with much more data. We build and retrieve large bodies of text and datasets with hundreds of thousands of records. We ourselves develop the tools that are required for our research projects. With this quest for new paths, the institute contributes to the innovation of Dutch and international humanities. In terms of content, primary interest is in the historical development of institutions, science and culture. The research programme has three spearheads – The Making of the Knowledge Society, Formative Developments in Dutch History and Literary Heritage, complemented by a cross-section Methodology theme. It dovetails with national and international themes that are considered to be of importance, and helps determine the direction of these.
In our view, modern research in the humanities produces more than the common monographs, collections and scientific articles: in the construction of websites, (enriched) corpora, databases, source publications, text editions and digital research tools. Huygens ING digital publications are available in open access.

Centre scope

Focus Examples
related to the study of history and literature of the Netherlands historical and literary manuscripts and their annotations, tools to annotate such manuscripts and create scholarly editions, etc. For more examples see here

Research domain


Contact details

Name: Gertjan Filarski
Postal Address: P.O Box 90754 2509 LT Den Haag, The Netherlands
Tel: +31 70 331 58 00
Fax: +31 70 385 4098
E-mail: Gertjan Filarski

