PILNAR: Pilgrimage Narratives - a corpus for studying the profile of the modern pilgrim


A corpus of pilgrimage narratives with Dutch texts written after ca. 2000 that present the thoughts and impressions of pilgrims to Santiago de Compostela. The PILNAR corpus is a source for research for a variety of (sub)disciplines: culture studies, ritual and religious studies, but also media and e-culture studies (cf the use of blogs and other social media for the self-presentation of experiences). Only for authorized users.


The PILNAR corpus contains six subcorpora:

  • Volumes of De Jacobsstaf 1986-: 84 pdf files
  • Volumes of De Pelgrim of the Flemish Society of Santiago de Compostella nos. 1-4 (16mb, 10mb, 16mb) (both societies work collaborate closely)
  • Volumes of Ultreia, a newsletter; 3 issues available now: January, February, April 2011
  • Pilgrimage accounts and blogs by pilgrims available via the Societies Netherlands: circa 140 files; Flemish: circa 138 files
  • A corpus of pilgrimage narratives compiled on the occasion of the exhibition in Museum Catharijneconvent held in collaboration with the Society: www.pelgrimsverhalen.nl; already on the site now: about 180 fields (as of July 2011).
  • Accounts and narratives that come in after a specially targeted notice via the site and periodical by the Society (De Jacobsstaf), with perhaps a Flemish companion piece (De Pelgrim).
  • Project leader: 
Prof.dr. Paul Post (Tilburg University)
  • CLARIN center: Meertens Institute
  • Help contact: Judith Tonnaer-Souverijn - J.N.Tonnaer@uvt.nl

Research domain


Resource tags

Tool task

CLARIN centre

