DCS - Digital Curation Service
SummaryThe Digital Curation Service was a CLARIN task force responsible for the curation of several language resources that were not available on-line and/or endangered without a proper documentation context (adding CMDI metadata etc.). The DCS has curated these data and made them available by depositing them at different CLARIN centra.
BackgroundIn October 2011 the Data Curation Service (DCS) was established. The DCS was supported by CLARIN-NL until 1 January 2014. The DCS was charged with:
- the curation of resources, especially those presently held by individual researchers or research groups;
- assisting in the curation efforts of CLARIN centres (if and when such is desired);
- advising researchers who wanted to undertake the curation of their resources themselves.
The DCS was involved in the curation of the following resources:
- LESLLA (delivered in August 2013)
- CLARIN centre: MPI for Psycholinguistics
- link: http://hdl.handle.net/1839/00-37EBCC6D-04A5-4598-88E2-E0F390D5FCE1@forma...@view
- IPNV Interviews with veterans (delivered in May 2013)
- CLARIN centre: DANS
- link: https://easy.dans.knaw.nl/ui/?wicket:bookmarkablePage=:nl.knaw.dans.easy...
- Woordenboek Gelderse Dialecten, Rivierengebied (delivered in June 2013)
- CLARIN centre: Meertens Institute
- link: ?
- Woordenboek Gelderse Dialecten, Veluwe (part) (delivered in June 2013)
- CLARIN centre: Meertens Institute
- link: ?
- Curation organisation names for OpenSkos (delivered in June 2013; finalised in August 2013)
- Six dialect dictionaries from Brabant (delivered in October 2013)
- CLARIN centre: Meertens Institute
- link: ?
- WLD and WBD part III (delivered in December 2013)
- CLARIN centre: Meertens Institute
- link: ?
- DBD/TCULT (delivered in February 2014)
- CLARIN centre: MPI for Psycholinguistics
- link: https://corpus1.mpi.nl/ds/asv/?openpath=node:84720
- Roots of Etnolect (collection Linda van Meel)
- Traces of Contact (collection Kofi Yakbo)
- Project leader: Nelleke Oostdijk
- CLARIN center: several
- Help contact : https://www.ru.nl/letteren/datacuratieservice/informatie/contact/
- Web-sites: http://www.ru.nl/letteren/datacuratieservice/
- User scenario's (screencasts, screenshots): n.a.
- Manual: n.a.
- Tool/Service link: n.a.
- Publications:
- Oostdijk, N. & H. van den Heuvel. 2012. Introducing the CLARIN - NL Data Curation Service. In Proceedings of the Workshop Challenges in the management of large corpora. LREC2012, Istanbul, 22 May 2012. http://www.lrec-conf.org/proceedings/lrec2012/index.html . Retrieval date: 20 March 2014.
- Heuvel, H. van den, Oostdijk, N.H.J., Sanders, E.P. & Lint, V. de (2014). Data curations by the Dutch Data Curation Service. In Proceedings CLARIN Annual Conference (pp. online). http://www.clarin.eu/sites/default/files/cac2014_submission_15_0.pdf
- Oostdijk, N., Heuvel, H. van den, Treurniet, M. (2013): The CLARIN-NL Data Curation Service. Bringing data to the foreground. International Journal of Digital Curation, Vol 8, No 2 (2013), pp. 134-145.