
SummaryThe OpenConvert tools convert to TEI or FOLiA from a number of input formats (alto, text, word, HTML, ePub). The tools are available as a Java command line tool, a web service and a web application.

CLARIN Vocabulary Service
SummaryThe CLARIN Vocabulary Service is a running instance of the OpenSKOS exchange and publication platform for SKOS vocabularies. This OpenSKOS instance currently publishes SKOS versions of three vocabularies:

OpenSONAR: a 500 MW reference corpus
SummaryOpenSoNaR is an online system that allows for analyzing and searching the large scale Dutch reference corpus SoNaR. Due to the size of the corpus (500 million words), accessing the information contained in the dataset has proven to be difficult for less technically inclined researchers. OpenSoNaR facilitates the use of the SoNaR corpus by providing a user-friendly online interface.

RemBench - a Digital Workbench for Rembrandt Research
SummaryRemBench enables one to search and browse for works of art, artists, primary sources and library sources related to Rembrandt, using faceted search by location, author/artist name, author/artist type, and date range, and/or by both exact and fuzzy keyword search. It offers both a web application and a RESTful web service.