



AutoSearch allows users to upload corpora annotated at the token level for (extended) part of speech, lemma and word form in FoLiA or


FESLI: Functional elements in Specific Language Impairment


A corpus with data from monolingual and bilingual children (Dutch - Turkish) with and without Specific Language Impairment (SLI).


The FESLI-data come from two NWO-sponsored projects: BiSLI and Variflex. The numbers of children included in the resources are:


LAISEANG: Language Archive of Insular South East Asia and West New Guinea


The LAISEANG corpus contains an unrivaled collection of multimedia materials and written documents from over 50 languages in Insular South East Asia and West New Guinea.


EXILSEA: Exploiting ISOcat's Language Sections in ELAN and ANNEX


Enhancements of the multimedia annotation tool ELAN and the accompanying ANNEX browser for users of different languages with the multilingual features of ISOCAT.


VALID - vulnerability in language acquisition: language impairments in Dutch


An open access multimedia archive of language pathology data collected in the Netherlands, primarily on Dutch, audio files and transcripts. Currently, this corpus contains 5 different data sets. In the VALID data archive old, current and future data can be brought together.


FESLI: Functional elements in Specific Language Impairment


Tool for the quantitative and qualitative comparison of the acquisition of functional elements (morphological inflection, articles, pronouns etcetera) in a corpus with data from monolingual and bilingual children (Dutch - Turkish) with and without Specific Language Impairment (SLI).


Online dictionary (ancient) Greek - Dutch for the letter Pi. Search functions include searches for Greek lemmata; search of Greek declined or conjugated word-forms that lead to the correct lemma (‘lemmatizer’); searches for Dutch words leading to different Greek lemmata; etymological searches. The dictionary is linked to Logeion, the international website of Greek dictionaries at the University of Chicago. The developers estimate that a complete version of the dictionary will be finished by the end of 2016 and that it will be published by the end of 2017.


WAHSP/BILAND is a research tool for historians that uses textual data of news media from the period 1863-1940 of the Koninklijke Bibliotheek and Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin as input material. One can search with single query terms or with combinations thereof. Apart from showing the articles that match the query, the results can be visualized by word clouds of single articles together with sentiment words highlighted, or by a word cloud of the whole result set together with newspaper statistics derived from their metadata. The WAHSP and BILAND applications have been succeeded by the TexCavator application. Links below are to TexCavator.
