Literary Studies


Online dictionary (ancient) Greek - Dutch for the letter Pi. Search functions include searches for Greek lemmata; search of Greek declined or conjugated word-forms that lead to the correct lemma (‘lemmatizer’); searches for Dutch words leading to different Greek lemmata; etymological searches. The dictionary is linked to Logeion, the international website of Greek dictionaries at the University of Chicago. The developers estimate that a complete version of the dictionary will be finished by the end of 2016 and that it will be published by the end of 2017.

Huygens ING

CLARIN B centre
Huygens Institute for Netherlands History aims to make the expertise of humanities researchers collaborate closely with specialists in e-Humanities.It consciously sustains traditional humaniora expertise and accommodate historians and textual scholars for all periods. It is the largest humanities research institute in the Netherlands and part of the KNAW and arose from the combination of the Huygens Institute and the Institute for the History of the Netherlands (ING).

Arthurian Fiction

This research tool provides information on medieval Arthurian narratives and the manuscripts in which they are transmitted throughout Europe. The tool discloses a database consists of linked records on over two hundred texts, more than thousand manuscripts and two hundred persons. The database is work in progress: a considerable number of records have yet to be completed, while fresh discoveries of narratives and manuscripts invite new entries. The compilers of the database hope that this tool will contribute to further research into Arthurian fiction as a pan-European phenomenon.
