CLARIN centre list

CLARIN Centres

CLARIN aims to set up Centres in order to provide persistency of data, services and tools in a standardized way. At this time, there are two different types of CLARIN Centres:

  • First of all, there are ‘full’ CLARIN Centres  offering various types of services to the research community. Full Centres will host their own data and tools as well as those from “other parties”. These Centres take care for the sustainability of data and tools and the permanent access to them. More information on the full CLARIN Centres can be found in this document. Moreover, there is a Short Guide on CLARIN centres. A number of organizations intend to become a full CLARIN Centre and are working towards this status, but may have only reached C status.
  • Secondly, some countries have special class of centres, such as NL that recognises CLARIN data provider centres. These contribute data in a CLARIN compatible manner but since they are primarily often involved in other domains, they do not need to fulfill all other requirements asked of a full CLARIN centre.
Centre type:
Namesort ascending Centre type Research interests About
The Meertens Institute is an institute of the Royal Netherlands' Academy of Arts and Sciences. It was founded in 1932 as a bureau for the documentation of Dutch dialects. In later years, Dutch ethnology and onomastics have been included in the documentative tasks of the institute. At this moment, the Meertens Institute is primarily a research institute with substantial collections in the fields of language variation, European ethnology and onomastics. Since the formation of the KNAW Humanities Cluster the Maartens CLARIN Centre was renamed as Meertens/HuC

Description: JSI

IMS: University of Stuttgart

Description: IMS: University of Stuttgart


Description: Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale "A. Zampolli" - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (ILC-CNR)

IDS: Institut für Deutsche Sprache

Description: IDS: Institut für Deutsche Sprache

HZSK: Hamburger Zentrum für Sprachkorpora

HZSK: Hamburger Zentrum für Sprachkorpora

Huygens ING
Huygens Institute for Netherlands History aims to make the expertise of humanities researchers collaborate closely with specialists in e-Humanities.It consciously sustains traditional humaniora expertise and accommodate historians and textual scholars for all periods. It is the largest humanities research institute in the Netherlands and part of the KNAW and arose from the combination of the Huygens Institute and the Institute for the History of the Netherlands (ING).
Dutch Language Institute
The Instituut voor de Nederlandse Taal (or Dutch Language Institute) is the place for anyone who wants to know anything about the Dutch language through the centuries.
Centre type:
Namesort ascending Centre type Research interests About
Centre type:
Namesort ascending Centre type Research interests About
The Digital Library of Dutch Literature (DBNL) provides
