Arthurian Fiction
SummaryThis research tool provides information on medieval Arthurian narratives and the manuscripts in which they are transmitted throughout Europe. The tool discloses a database consists of linked records on over two hundred texts, more than thousand manuscripts and two hundred persons. The database is work in progress: a considerable number of records have yet to be completed, while fresh discoveries of narratives and manuscripts invite new entries. The compilers of the database hope that this tool will contribute to further research into Arthurian fiction as a pan-European phenomenon.
BackgroundThe Arthurian Fiction web application enables searching for manuscripts, narratives and persons from the Arthurian Fiction narratives and manuscripts metadata database Arthurian Fiction Data. Each of these object types can be searched for using facets specific to the object type. These include:
- for manuscripts: institute, date, origin, physical form, extant leave, leaf sizes, illustration type, scripts, scribe, patron and several more
- for narratives: date, origin, languages, cycle, manuscript, author, patron, verse type, meter, length, intertextuality properties and many more
- for persons: name, gender, subtype, background, manuscript, and narratives
- Project leader: Dr. Bart Besamusca (Utrecht University)
- CLARIN center: Huygens ING
- Help contact: info@arthurianfiction.org
- Arthurian Fiction Data Description: Arthurian Fiction Data
- Web-sites: http://www.arthurianfiction.org/
- User scenario's, screencast: http://vimeo.com/40508976
- Showcase: http://www.clarin.nl/node/373
- Project movie: http://youtu.be/t0y-ecrVD5w
- Manual: n.a.
- Tool/Service link: https://service.arthurianfiction.org/static/index.html#current=manuscripts
- Publications:
- Besamusca, A.A.M. & Quinlan, J. (2012). The Fringes of Arthurian Fiction. Arthurian literature, 29, 191-241.
- Boot, P. (2012), Manuscripten koning Arthur op tafel, E-Data & Research 7(1), 2012.
- Dalen-Oskam, K. van and Besamusca, B. (2011), Arthurian Fiction in Medieval Europe: Narratives and Manuscripts, presentation held at the CLARIN-NL Kick-off meeting Call 2, Utrecht, February 9, 2011.
- Dalen-Oskam, K. van (2011), ArthurianFiction, presentation held at the Call 3 information session, Utrecht, August 25, 2011.