AVReseracherXL: Exploring audiovisual metadata in historical context
SummaryAVResearcherXL is a tool for exploring radio and television programme descriptions, television subtitles and general newspaper articles. The interface searches across the catalogue "iMMix" of the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision and a selection of newspapers of KB Royal Archive of the Netherlands.
By the end of 2014, the data used by AVResearcherXL are: iMMix
- 932,035 broadcasts indexed
- 18,124 broadcasts with subtitles
- 1 January 1900 is the date of the first broadcast in the index
- 26 October 2013 is the date of the last broadcast in the index
- 25,811,413 articles indexed
- 16,294,029 articles are of type "artikel"
- 8,483,542 articles are of type "advertentie"
- 630,929 articles are of type "illustratie met onderschrift"
- 402,913 articles are of type "familiebericht"
- 1 January 1900 is the date of the first article in the index
- 30 November 1994 is the date of the last article in the index
- Project leader: Dr. Jasmijn van Gorp (Utrecht University)
- CLARIN center: The Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision
- Help contact : j.vangorp@uu.nl or ebaaren@beeldengeluid.nl
- Web-sites: http://avresearcher.clariah.beeldengeluid.nl/
- User scenario's (screencasts, screenshots): http://dev.clarin.nl/sites/default/files/QuaMeRDES_M2_demonstrationscena...
- Manual: http://avresearcher.clariah.beeldengeluid.nl/#help
- Tool/Service link: http://avresearcher.clariah.beeldengeluid.nl/ or github
- Publications:
- Bron, M., Gorp, J. van, Nack, F., Rijke, M. de, Vishneuski, Andrei & Leeuw, J.S. de (2012). A Subjunctive Exploratory Search Interface to Support Media Studies Researchers. SIGIR '12: 35th international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval Portland, Oregon: ACM.
- Huurnink, B., Bronner, A., Bron, M., Gorp, J. van, Goede, B. de & Wees, J. van (2013). AVResearcher: Exploring Audiovisual Metadata. DIR 2013: Dutch-Belgian Information Retrieval Conference Delft: DIR.