RemBench - a Digital Workbench for Rembrandt Research
SummaryRemBench enables one to search and browse for works of art, artists, primary sources and library sources related to Rembrandt, using faceted search by location, author/artist name, author/artist type, and date range, and/or by both exact and fuzzy keyword search. It offers both a web application and a RESTful web service.
BackgroundRemBench combines the content of four different databases behind one search interface:
- RKDartists and RKDimages, two databases maintained by the Netherlands Institute for Art History (RKD)
- RemDoc, a collection of original documents related to Rembrandt van Rijn from the period between 1475 to circa 1750
- RUQuest, a library system that provides access to full text articles, as well as the complete collection of (e-)books and journals from the Radboud University Library Catalogue
- Project leader: Suzan Verberne
- CLARIN center: Huygens ING
- Help contact : s.verberne@let.ru.nl
- Web-sites: n.a.
- User scenario's (screencasts, screenshots): screencast on http://rembench.huygens.knaw.nl/about
- Manual: https://dev.clarin.nl/sites/default/files/2014-09-12_D12_RemBench_docume...
- Data Link (VLO): http://catalog.clarin.eu/vlo/search?fq=collection:RemBench+Sources
- Tool/Service link: http://rembench.huygens.knaw.nl/
- Publications: n.a.