e-BNM+ Data

e-BNM+: Linked Data on Middle Dutch Sources Kept Worldwide


The curated e-BNM collection of textual, codicological and historical information about thousands of Middle Dutch manuscripts kept world wide.


The Bibliotheca Neerlandica Manuscripta (BNM) collects and makes available information on medieval manuscripts produced in the Netherlands regardless where they are kept. Documentation activities concentrate on the Middle-Dutch texts and their authors that have been transmitted in these manuscripts, on the individuals and institutions that have been involved in the manuscript production (scribes, illuminators, monasteries) and on the former and present manuscript owners.
Since 1991 two-thirds of this ‘paper’ information, checked and supplemented with information from recent publications, has been converted into electronic data and incorporated in a database (e-BNM), which can be searched online. In 2013 this database was converted into a flexible datastructure that turned e-BNM into a key open access resource to which many other resources can easily be linked.
The new eBNM+:

  • will be freely accessible for every user, anywhere in the world;
  • can easily implement new contributions or corrections by scientists;
  • can easily be linked to related databases - in the near future cross searching several databases in one interface will be possible;
  • will be prepared for the inclusion of new data, like:
    • research data on Middle Dutch texts that were printed before 1541 and the books in which they are preserved;
    • articles on Middle Dutch texts and their authors (associated with the current thesaurised information).
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Huygens ING


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