Dictionary of the Limburgian Dialects
SummaryDictionary of the Limburgian Dialects, Part III (General Vocabulary)
BackgroundThe dictionary of the Limburgian dialects, part II (General Vocabulary), abbreviated as WLD, is a semasiologically oriented dictionary. It consists of 14 subcollections, each covering a certain topic. The topics covered are:
- The Human Body (Het menselijk lichaam)
- Movement and Health (Beweging en Gezondheid)
- The house (De woning)
- Cloths (Kleding)
- Family and sexuality (Familie en seksualiteit)
- Eating and Drinking (Eten en drinken)
- Fauna: Birds (Fauna: vogels)
- Fauna: Other Animals ()Fauna: overige dieren)
- Flora (Flora)
- Part and Pleasure (Feest en vermaak)
- Character and Feelings (Karakter en gevoelens)
- Church and Religion (Kerk en geloof)
- Social behaviour, School and Education (Maatschappelijk gedrag, school en onderwijs)
- The World (De Wereld)
- Project leader: Marc Kemps-Snijders
- CLARIN center: Meertens Institute (data at RU)
- Help contact
- Web-sites: See also http://dialect.ruhosting.nl/wld/
- Manual: [ref to end-report]
- Data link (VLO): Core Subcollections
- Publications: