Linguistic Annotation


Nederlab, online laboratory for humanities research on Dutch text collections


A user-friendly and tool-enriched open access web interface that aims at containing all digitized texts relevant for the Dutch national heritage and the history of Dutch language and culture (c. 800 - present).

Dictionary of the Limburgian Dialects, Part III (General Vocabulary)

Dictionary of the Limburgian Dialects


Dictionary of the Limburgian Dialects, Part III (General Vocabulary)


The dictionary of the Limburgian dialects, part II (General Vocabulary), abbreviated as WLD, is a semasiologically oriented dictionary. It consists of 14 subcollections, each covering a certain topic. The topics covered are:

Dictionary of the Brabantic Dialects, Part III (General Vocabulary)

Dictionary of the Brabantic Dialects


Dictionary of the Brabantic Dialects, Part III (General Vocabulary)


The dictionary of the Brabantic dialects, part II (General Vocabulary), abbreviated as WBD, is a semasiologically oriented dictionary. It consists of 14 subcollections, each covering a certain topic. The topics covered are:




The MIMORE tool enables researchers to investigate morphosyntactic variation in the Dutch dialects by searching three related databases with a common on-line search engine. The three databases involved are also available as XML: DynaSAND (the dynamic syntactic atlas of the Dutch dialects), DiDDD (Diversity in Dutch DP Design) and GTRP (Goeman, Taeldeman, van Reenen Project).


SHEBANQ: System for HEBrew Text: ANnotations for Queries and Markup


The WIVU Hebrew Text Database contains the Hebrew text of the Old Testament enriched with many linguistic features at the morpheme level up to the discourse level.

VK Data

The enriched publication of the important Dutch historiographical work Het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden in de Tweede Wereldoorlog (The Kingdom of the Netherlands in WWII) by Dr. Loe de Jong.

Cornetto Data

Cornetto is a lexical resource for the Dutch language which combines two resources with different semantic organisations: the Dutch Wordnet with its synset organisation and the Dutch Reference Lexicon which includes definitions, usage constraints, selectional restrictions, syntactic behaviours, illustrative contexts, etc. The Cornetto database contains over 92K lemmas and almost 120K word meanings.
