CLARIN Vocabulary Service
SummaryThe CLARIN Vocabulary Service is a running instance of the OpenSKOS exchange and publication platform for SKOS vocabularies. This OpenSKOS instance currently publishes SKOS versions of three vocabularies:
- ISO-639-3 language codes, as published by SIL.
- Closed and simple Data Categories from the ISOcat metadata profile.
- A manually constructed and curated list of Organizations, based on the CLARIN VLO.
The CLARIN Vocabulary Service is a running instance of the OpenSKOS exchange and publication platform for SKOS vocabularies. OpenSKOS offers several ways to publish SKOS vocabularies (upload SKOS file, harvest from another OpenSKOS instance with OAI-PMH, construct using the RESTful API) and to use vocabularies (search and autocomplete using the API, harvest using OAI-PMH, inspect in the interactive Editor or consult as Linked Data). This CLARIN OpenSKOS instance is hosted by the Meertens Institute. Contents This OpenSKOS instance currently publishes SKOS versions of three vocabularies:
- ISO-639-3 language codes, as published by SIL.
- Closed and simple Data Categories from the ISOcat metadata profile.
- A manually constructed and curated list of Organizations, based on the CLARIN VLO.
- Project leader: Hennie Brugman
- CLARIN center: Meertens Institute
- Help contact : helpdesk@clarin.nl
- Web-sites: https://openskos.meertens.knaw.nl/clavas/
- User scenario's (screencasts, screenshots): n.a.
- Manual: http://openskos.meertens.knaw.nl/web-report/documentation/clavas-overvie...
- Tool/Service link: https://openskos.meertens.knaw.nl/clavas/
- Publications: